Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Wednesday 10th March Extended Project Meeting

Today I had a meeting with Pete about what was happening so far. I explained and then asked him about the trip to London I will be making. The conference will take place on the 19th of March, a friday. It begins at 10AM. There will be a main lecture that 120 delegates will attend and then at 11AM everyone will break off into different workshops. There will be stalls set up, all related to education and learning. Even the media giant Apple will have a stall there.

My job at the conference is to distribute leaflets and give people information about the newspaper. I was told that lunchtime would be a key time to hand out leaflets, if I got there early I could even put a leaflet on all of the seats before people arrive. If I want I can apparently go to some of the talks as they may be useful to me.

The flyers for the newspaper have to contain the following information:
  • Must have a name for the paper and a suitable logo.
  • Contains a summary of what the paper is and maybe has a list of some of the 'highlight' articles.
  • Details on how to contact us and order e.g. ''
  • My aim is to sell our product to as many people as possible.
I then had a production meeting with the Quality Control group and explained that we needed flyers, and the first task I set was to come up with newspaper names. We got the whole class to write down a few ideas for a name each on post-it notes. We then took in all of the ideas and started to sort them out. I had written 'Media Muse', 'Media News' and 'Media Me' as my ideas for the magazine.


We then all sorted through them until we came to two possibilities, I was quite shocked and flattered to find out that they were both my ideas 'Media Muse' and 'Media Me'.


We asked the class what their opinion on what the name should be out of the two. After a brief vote it was decided that the new newspaper name was Media Me. We then went about choosing a tag line for the paper.


I'm not sure we reached an entirely confirmed decision by I was firmly set on the tag line 'Get Passed'. I thought it was quick, snappy and almost sounds rude. I think this tag line will appeal very much to our target audience.

I then went about proof-reading Tim's article and made quite a few changes. I quite enjoyed the editorial role as English is one of my strong points.


After this I began to work with Tim to come up with some ideas for the questions to send the media practitioners such as Simon Panrucker and Ed Lovelace. We both read through the Critical Perspectives exam criteria and then set about coming up with questions relating to it that we could ask the practitioners.

Here are some of the questions:

*Directed at Simon Panrucker (who left Long Road in 2005, the same year YouTube was brought out).*

Did you make videos for an audience when you were at college?
Did you make productions for an audience just after college e.g. at university?
If so, how did you get them known?
How long have you been making videos?
How did the introduction of the internet change how you distributed your videos?
How did the introduction of YouTube/Vimeo change your audience?
How has the internet and 'torrenting' changed your current career?
How would you describe what you actually do?
Has the way you advertise your products changed as the internet grew in popularity?

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