Sunday 14 March 2010

End of Week Two Plan



How it went

Still to do?

Monday - 8th

Sort out ideas for what articles will be included in the newspaper along with possible advertisers.

Better than expected. We sorted out all of them and managed to get the contact details of all the sponsors. After this everyone selected their own articles to do.

Email the possible sponsors asking to support our newspaper with an advert.

Tuesday - 9th

Have a lesson with Dave discussing the conventions of writing a newspaper article. Plan out what we’re going to send in the advert request emails.

Lesson went well, took down some good notes. Email planning was slow and didn’t get much done.

Send emails to the possible sponsors.

Wednesday - 10th

Write up questions to send to practitioners. Help with Online Communities article. Assign people to work on the Exam help section of the newspaper. 

Wrote up questions and gave Mike Shaw position of exam help. He was happy to do it. Looked over Tim’s article and edited it. Came up with name for newspaper (Media Me).

Work on flat plan, or at least check progress. Need to help Dave and Ash on their article more.

Thursday - 11th

Continue to email clients. Collect in draft articles that have been completed and annotate.

Emailed all of the clients and got some promising results. People haven’t finished their articles however so need to wait.

Get print out of articles and annotate.

Friday - 12th

Have lesson with Barney on linking articles to postmodernism to increase relevance of articles to exam criteria. Hand in annotated article. Organise articles into groups.

Lesson was less relevant to me due to me only contributing to each article in a small way, rather than writing one big article for myself. Handed in article and gave it to Dave to use.

Properly organise articles into groups so that they can be linked to each other.

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