Monday 22 March 2010

Tuesday 23rd March Questionnaire

Today I conducted the questionnaire I wrote yesterday. I asked some members of the year 12 level 3 diploma class the questions I had prepared. The answers were as follows:


1. 'I have and use my Facebook account frequently, I used to use Bebo, but I deleted it.'

2. 'Yes, I often use I-Player along with some illegal download sites.'

3. 'I do produce videos and post them online, I only ever really use YouTube for my own videos.'

4. 'I don't keep up with the news.'

5. 'Yes, I download stuff more commonly than actually buying CDs. I download my music from iTunes generally.'

6. 'As I said I only use YouTube. I haven't uploaded anything is the last week but I do upload things about once every month.'


1. 'I do have a Facebook, a Music MySpace and a Twitter that I use every so often. I had a Bebo and it still exists, but I haven't been on it in years.'

2. 'No I don't watch shows online, I probably would but my computer is broken at the moment.'

3. 'I've never really made a video and put it online that isn't for work.'

4. 'I do keep up with the news, I watch it on television and use the internet on my phone.'

5. 'No, I buy CDs if anything.'

6. 'I put content on my Twitter and MySpace.'


1. 'Never had one, I have MSN but I never go on it.'

2. 'I only ever use BBC I-Player.'

3. 'Not really.'

4. 'I mostly use television, but sometimes the local newspaper.'

5. 'No, but I do use Spotify. Sometimes I also buy Cambridge street performer CDs, but that's about it.'

6. 'No.'


1. 'I had a Facebook and Bebo. I never deleted them but left them both to rot.'

2. 'I use the internet to download stuff illegally.'

3. 'Nope.'

4. 'I keep up with the news using the internet.'

5. 'Yeah, and as I said, I use illegal stuff.'

6. 'No.'


1. 'I have a Facebook, and I never deleted my MySpace but I don't use it.'

2. 'I use I-Player frequently, along with 4 On Demand and YouTube. I also use less legal sites such as MegaVideo.'

3. 'I do make things, when I do I put them on YouTube which also links to my Facebook.'

4. 'I don't really keep up with the news.'

5. 'I don't download music, but I use YouTube. I mostly listen to the radio however.'

6. 'I upload my own videos to YouTube ever couple of months.'

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