Monday 1 March 2010

Question and Answer Session with Nick

In class we were asked to come up with questions in groups and ask Nick them to clarify some of the more confusing situations. Here are the notes I made about these questions and answers:

[Questions in bold, answers not]

What's the deadline for the project?
The paper has to have been completed ready to send off to be printed by the first of April.

The contents of our articles - how 'up to date' must it be?
We are writing a paper for students of our time, and after. Due to this what is mentioned has to be completely up to date. Even things like Napster that we have been learning about is too out of date. We want you to research things that teachers probably won't know about.

What's the budget for this project?
There is no budget really. Part of the project is being able to cover the costs of printing with advertisers etc. You as a class will have to find ways to fund your project.

What are the printing costs of the paper?
We are printing twelve page, full-colour newspapers. The minimum order is five-hundred copies for £500. The price probably lowers per copy the more you order but that is what we are going with.

Can we credit our own work in the 'credits' or so?
Absolutely, you can find places for that no problem. Possibly at the end of every article?

Who might be possible candidates for us to be advertising clients for?
We already work along-side places like The Junction heavily, so them. And OCR and Media Magazine would be highly likely candidates too.

Does the class choose who fits what role?
Well, we will be filling out sheets soon so that you can all vote for who you would like to fill specific roles.

How are we going to distribute the newspaper?
We have the opportunity to sell it with Media Magazine and on the website.

What kind of material can we not use?
Keep in mind the age range - students. So no inappropriate language to be used. Also we cannot use any copyrighted material whatsoever.

How can we attain the content of the newspaper, such as information?
That's entirely up to you. You have to do the research the material yourselves.

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