Sunday 7 March 2010

End of Week One Plan



How day went

Still to do?

Monday - 1st

Organise between us who will be what role.

All wrote down votes for jobs.


Tuesday - 2nd

Email clients requesting information.

Sent off emails and waiting for a reply.

Get a reply and give print outs to class with coloured highlights.

Wednesday - 3rd

Research newspaper design to help with flat plan.

Researched, put on blog. Jenny replied, printed out copies for class and highlighted important aspects.


Thursday - 4th

Suggest to class idea of flat plan. Give examples and begin assigning interviews with practitioners to class members.

Asked Nick several questions about project. Handed out emails and made a brief plan of the articles and features.

Come up with flat-plan, didn’t complete task today.

Friday - 5th

Discuss with Quality Control team about newspaper features and do project proposal form.

Discussed well, noted down a list of ideas. Project proposal form not complete. Made a very rough draft of the flat-plan. Gave to Hayden to continue work with.

Finish project proposal form

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