Tuesday 16 March 2010

Monday 15th March Extended Project Meeting

Today, at the end of the lesson, I received an email back from Jenny Grahame on possible ideas for improving the newspaper. I started to highlight important aspects of the message in order to hand copies out to the class and get everyone moving on using the information to improve their articles again. We unfortunately ran out of time in the lesson so I emailed what I had done to Pete, requesting he distribute what I had done to the entire class.

Email from Jenny Grahame:

Email I sent to Pete:

Tara had also been busy over the weekend and had gone out of her way to create an initial design for a flyer that I could use to hand out to the delegates at the convention on friday. I looked at it and thought it looked very professional and I liked the logo that she had come up with. I asked her to work with Hayden to see it their corroboration could make an even better piece. I also needed to mention that flyers normally have two sides, and that only one side may not be enough.

Something I was meaning to do in the lesson was set up an email, however when time was running short and I still had too much to do I asked Sam to set it up for me. I still used my email as the recovery email and have the login details myself so I can use the account. I asked Tara and Hayden to change the contact details on the flyer in accordance to the new email. The email is 'MediaMeNewspaper@googlemail.com'.

I then set about with Kirk getting Ash, Philippa, Laurence, Matt Leonowicz and Tim working on the task of annotating people's work and making notes on how they could improve the relevance of the articles relating to the Media Studies criteria. This was one of the biggest problems with the articles so far is that none of them contained much (if any) relevant materials to the exam.

People are starting to seem very reluctant to do their work. One person openly refused to do another article to me today, which annoyed me greatly as there is still very much more to be done.

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