Tuesday 9 March 2010

My Role In Production

So far in the project I can't help but get the feeling everyone is putting on me everything they don't want to do themselves. It seems that most of the people I am working alongside simply have to write an article by friday and get the research done where as I have a great deal more things to be doing that very few seem intent on helping me with at all.

I am writing an article on internet browser 'Flash' games. This is a very thin topic and is incredibly difficult to research. When looking for articles on twitter, or online games the results are relatively expansive, however people never seem to talk about the browser games due to the fact that if you type 'Internet Flash Game Article*' into Google instead of getting articles, you instead receive several thousand pages of internet browser games. Whilst this seems to support the concept of my article it is still relatively annoying that information (aside from just playing the games) is so scarce.

I also have the responsibility of sorting out and organising which articles go (where) into the newspaper. Feedback is hard to come by as whoever I show the flat plans to just automatically agrees with whatever I have written down. However the actual design of the newspaper has been taken out of my hands. Hayden (who really wanted to be the papers art director) was more than happy to be in charge of the papers design and layout, as long as I tell what content should go where.

Another role of mine is assigning the class activities and productive things to do when they have completed what they are doing. Everyone so far seems to be coming to me, if I suggest they go to the Quality Control team, they don't so I find myself repeatedly having to assign things for people to do, quite often things that they flat out refuse to do and request another task. It has been getting easier however, I am beginning to understand people's preferences in work and am able to use these preferences to my advantage to get them to assist me with tasks I need doing.

Keeping up constant communication with the client is a must. I am constantly being reminded (quite rightly) that I have to keep Jenny Grahame updated on anything we choose to do to the newspaper.

Soon I will be needing to travel to London to meet with the client and possibly attend a meeting. As of yet I don't have much information on this so will be awaiting more details.

All of these tasks have to be done alongside homework set for the projects. These can often be relatively time consuming however I have no problems with doing them.

As I mentioned in the below post, advertising is a very large issue. I had a long meeting with him the other lesson (that we openly allowed anyone to join) discussing different possibilities. Arranging advertisement possibilities with Sam is going to become a very large part of my job in lessons to come. Sam however, so far has taken up most of the responsibility for these for now. He has found out the contact details for most of the contacts, with me getting the details of the last five or so.

*Just an example search, I didn't actually use this.

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