Monday 1 March 2010

Roles I Have Chosen For People

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Planning Department

Liaison: Alexander Whitcombe (Me)

I think I would be good for this role because I have quite a professional approach when addressing my piers. I am quite linguistic - a talent that enabled me to have a publication in Media Magazine - and work hard when needed. I also regularly travel to London and have a good understanding of the london train network. Due to this I would be happy to fill this role and the responsibilities that come with it, such as meeting with Jenny Grahame in London.

Quality Control

Evidence: Philippa Price
Schedules: Kirk Kemp
Reflection: Mike Shaw

When working with Philippa on a previous project she filled the role of production manager. This involved writing up model release forms, HD camera requests etc. She showed that she can handle keeping paperwork together fantastically.

I would trust Kirk completely with scheduling as in other projects he has more than proven his fervency with getting them finished with the work done on time. He continually comes up with new and interesting ways to motivate the class and increase the marks attained by his group in projects.

Mike, although quite quiet in projects, does always get the work done in an efficient manner. He is organised and often comes up with good ideas. He is a valuable member of a team and would work well as a reflection manager. It would involve being on peoples blogs and keeping people up to date with what they have to do. It will involve a lot of organisation and work and I hope Mike can keep up with that.

Production Department

Red Team

Red Leader: Tara Cox
Red One: Joe Robinson
Red Two: Tim Hodson
Red Three: Ashley Atherton

Tara is an incredible asset to a team. I would have been more than happy to put her on the quality control team however she is opinionated and is good at controlling a crowd. This is very important when dealing with our class as they can often get distracted, I trust Tara to be more than capable to keep people under control.

I chose for Joe, Tim and Ash to be together as Joe doesn't attend class to often, so I'm hoping that Tara can balance that out, Tim I wanted to be in a team with Tara as they work well together and can make a very productive team. Ash works well with everyone in the group but needs the motivation that Tara can provide.

Blue Team

Blue Leader: James Walker
Blue One: Natalie Nicoll
Blue Two: Hayden Martin
Blue Three: David Pinchen

James is a hard worker and it very controlling. This can often be seen to be a bad side by the class but may be just what this group needs. I vote James as a team leader because I think his forcefulness will enable this group to produce good work, as long as the group doesn't object too strongly to James' decisions and go along with what he directs them to do it could be a very good group.

This group of Natalie, Hayden and David excel in most areas necessary for this project. Hayden is very good at artwork, enabling him to create good work on designing the layout and artwork of the magazine, David is very good at writing and was also published in Media Magazine with an article about video games, video games being an industry that is always growing means that this is perfect knowledge to have for this project. Natalie is very skilled with internet usage, along with Dave they both can work very well together, both being skilled in different areas of technology.

Gold Team

Gold Leader: Laurence Smith
Gold One: Matthew Leonowicz
Gold Two: Matthew Hornby
Gold Three: Sam Chappell-Winnington

Laurence is someone I wouldn't have initially thought to be a team leader type. However in previous projects he has shown me and the class that he clearly had motivational and leadership talents. He gets on well with everyone in the class and I would very much like him to be a team leader.

Matt L. is a very hard worker, often works well with Tara which would be good to have when the group is dealing with the quality control team. Matt H. and Sam get on well, but not to an extent where they would not be productive as a result. Governed by Laurence they would work well, although Sam and Matt H. might try and do their own thing I don't think Laurence would have too much trouble.

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