Friday 26 March 2010

Intro Article I Am Writing

Introductory Article

Media Me is a newspaper written by students, for students. This newspaper will cover several topics that will arise in the A2 Media Studies exam ‘Critical Perspectives In Media’. Reading it will give you information that you will be able to apply to your exam answers to get you a better mark. We will cover all areas of the exam prompts from Global Media to Media in the Online Age.

Interested in video gaming? Check out our articles on Online Gaming Communities on page [Insert page number here]. Maybe you hate the internet, or want to hear arguments that aren't conforming to usual standards of what might be expected from a teenager in this online age? Flick to pages [Insert page number here] to look at the articles Time To Turn Off Your TV For Good? and [Philippa's Article Name Here]. Wikipedia fanatic? We have two articles solely Wikipedia related. Turn to pages [Insert page number here] to read our articles on Wikipedia games and it's uses.

This newspaper is really just here to give you some information, hints and tips for when you take your A2 exam in an interesting and amusing way.

  • Interested in
  • Pointing people to making connections

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