Monday 8 March 2010

Monday 8th March Extended Project Meeting

Today I had a meeting with the Quality control team and the group leaders. I started off by asking the team leaders to go and get all of the ideas that their team have for possible articles and writing them down so they can share them with the rest of the meeting group. When they got back each group had made a contribution and we discussed which ideas were the strongest and which were the weakest.

We also spoke about possible advertisers for our newspaper. As I have mentioned before for this project we have to get adverts in our paper to cover the costs of printing £500. Sam and I had been looking around for possible advertisers. We decided that it would be best to have, say, five or six advertisers and charge them each £50 - £100 for their advert in all five-hundred copies of the newspaper.

Here are some of the possible advertising commissioners:

Media Magazine - Jenny Grahame
The Junction - Simon Bates
Long Road - Jane Grant
The Picture House - Tony Jones
OCR - Rob Carlton
Bornemouth University - Jon Wardle
Lincoln University - Mike Mason

Sam and I also managed to get all of the contacts emails as well so we will probably begin messaging them tomorrow.

During the day I checked with the groups to make sure they were all getting on okay. I also finally received a reply from Julian McDougle, shown below. My next move will be to reply to his email and be more specific.

Today I also sent an email off to Jenny Grahame asking her for her opinions of the features we are going to have in the newspaper. I am hoping she will reply soon.

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