Tuesday 23 March 2010

Notes from Dave

Here are the notes I took from Dave's talk today:

Dave talks about conventions of newspaper layouts:

Different sections of the paper must differ from each other, however have something in common. For example, News and Features should look different, but have (for example, the same font).

The key thing is to decide what font you want to use. It must be easily readable. Then decide how many columns you want in your pages. An article must have an intro section. Hopes that the reader will be ‘sucked into the narrative’. Decide how to layout this first paragraph. Is it going to be in a different font, will it be in bold? Will it work? Fonts should probably be from the ‘font tree’. 

Having a large title and a sub-title is wise. The article should start with a large capitalised first letter. Have different entry points for the reader, such as large quotations that will interest the reader.

You must worry about what to do with your images. ‘An image is worth one-thousand words’ - most magazines don’t think this, is it a good idea to have a caption? Should the image have a boarder, or rounded edges etc.

A lot of magazines (especially games magazine) do not like having any space on the pages and like them to be very ‘busy’. Some articles even have footnotes.

What font should the page numbers be? Should you include the date/issue?

Once decided on the layout, layout must stay the same throughout the paper and retain its own style.

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