Thursday 4 March 2010

Thursday 4th March Extended Project Meeting

Questions from class:

Do you know your audiences?
  • National Distribution
  • A2 Media Studies - Sixteen to nineteen year olds
  • Targeting media savvy students?
  • Gender balance?
  • Differentiation - Not all students learn at the same pace, in the same way or start with the same knowledge base.
Do you know what they want from the study guide?
  • E-mailed Julian McDougle for Criteria
  • Relevance = Broad Range of Contemporary Examples
  • Hand Questionnaires to Students (or potential recipients of the paper)
  • Not a Revision Textbook?
  • Mode of Address - Not Too Formal?
Do you know how your target audience learn best/want to learn?
  • Online Links (Media Age)
  • Games?
  • Practical Work
  • Visuals
  • Explanations are detailed/simplified/illustrated with diagrams etc.?
  • Methods of Practice That Are Not Repetitive - Variation
  • Incentive to Work - (Motivation) - Intrinsic/extrinsic - Competitions?
  • Differentiation - Not all students learn at the same pace, in the same way or start with the same knowledge base.
Possible Articles
  • Article about how websites like Facebook have changed privacy
  • Simon Panrucker - Written Interview
  • Articles stemming from the above:
  • Pieces on YouTube/Vimeo - How they have changed the world and the media industry
  • Web 2.0 Feature?

I wanted to give the class something to work on, so I am assigning each person a practitioner to contact. The reasoning may be that they volunteered to contact that particular individual (like Tara contacting Simon Panrucker), or that the person already has been in contact with the practitioner and their relationship with them is larger than anyone else's (like Sam and Jeffrey Lewis).

Alexander (Me) - Ed Lovelace

Ed Lovelace used to attend Long Road. He came to our college recently to give a talk to the students about his career. I think this means that he will be a prime example of someone to contact.

Sam - Jeffrey Lewis

During the Investigation project Sam researched Jeffrey Lewis. At one point he sent an email to him and was surprised when he return to his inbox soon afterwards to find a lengthy reply. Due to this I have chosen him to be a liaison to Jeffrey Lewis and conduct an email interview with him.

Tara - Simon Panrucker

Simon Panrucker has recently become quite the internet sensation combining humour with eclectic music styles. He still keeps good relations with his teacher, who subsequently is now one of our teachers. We are hoping to use this relationship to get in contact with him and arrange an interview.

Tim - MC Lars

I asked Tim today whether he knew any interesting people to contact and he mentioned MC Lars. At the time I had no idea who it was so I have done some research and think that this is the same artist. Due to the new age music I think he would be a good person to interview.

Hayden - Hayden said to me today that he had several people in mind that he could contact who would work well with our newspaper.

Printing Emails

During the lesson today I printed out copies of the emails sent to me by Jenny. I highlighted the important bits and gave a copy to everyone in the class. The printed email looked like this:

Apologies for the bad quality, it's the best I could do at the time.


  • DJ Yoda? (Idea thought up by Sam, however, unlikely)
  • Simon Bates (The Junction's head of learning)
  • Jake and Jim (Music video and advertisement makers who have dealt with our class in the past)
  • Ed Lovelace
  • Simon Panrucker
  • Jeffrey Lewis
  • MC Lars
  • Media Magazine - February 2010: Pete Fraser Interview
  • Jenny Grahame and Julian McDougle

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