Sunday 14 March 2010

Friday 12th Extended Project Meeting

Today with the help of Kirk I collected in all of the draft articles that have been completed so far by the class. I was given an article to edit by Philippa however, I said that it may take a while to go over as I had a lot to do. I also sorted out a draft email with Sam that I sent to our teachers and Jenny Grahame so that they could look over it and decide any changes that should be made.

We started off by having a session with Barney in which everyone linked their own articles to post-modernism and made notes on what aspects of the exam each one related to most. As I didn't have a full article I simply worked in the group I had given my article to.

We decided that the online gaming age predominantly revolves around the 'Media in the Online Age' factor of the exam, whilst also being related to the 'Global Media' and 'Media and Collective Identity' sections.

I also handed in an article I had annotated to help the online gaming group with relevant data. Here is that article:

The article was on browser games, the topic of the small article I wrote earlier on in the project. I decided this would be a suitable subject to work on and to help pad out Ash and Dave's article with some useful information.

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