Wednesday 28 April 2010

Kirk's Video - Finished Newspaper

Here is a video showing the pages of the finished product:

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Newspaper Evaluation

How well does it meet your original intentions?

This project has gone very well in comparison to many other projects we have undertaken. The class worked effectively together and although we still had to pick up the pace at the end (which has been our downfall in most other projects) this time we were able to work quickly and effectively to complete the project and work as a team to finish all of the tasks.

Our intentions were to create a newspaper that was relevant to the exam. However in production most people wrote articles with no relevance to the exam whatsoever. I helped out by using the exam criteria to make small contributions to a lot of people's articles. After a while everyone managed to amend their articles and make them well written and far more relevant to the exam.

I am very pleased with the outcome. I had worries that the content would be dull, and unrelated to the exam, however the end result turned out to be a very well written newspaper. As for my intentions for the newspaper I hoped to make a newspaper with a completely professional layout and content. This was unreasonable, however the finished newspaper completely exceeded my expectations and turned out fantastically.

How does it look?

The layout of the newspaper is very visually impressive, better than I had expected it to turn out. It doesn't look quite as professional as I would associate with a real newspaper, however it was how we planned. An average student doesn't want a very large amount of text to read, therefore we made the text bigger and added more colour to the paper to make it more visually appealing. I think that for what it is it turned out remarkably well.

Our brief was to use colour in the newspaper to make it stand out to an audience. We did manage to use colour and everyone kept to the style sheet to make the newspaper look good. However, looking at it I still think that we could have made the paper more colour effective and used the benefits of full colour printing more to our advantage.

How pleased are you with your contributions?

My job in this project was to be the liaison, considering this I think that I contributed very well to the content that went in to the newspaper. I gave Dave and Ash's article a chunk of text about browser games and added to the exam help sections by giving them content. I passed around different ideas for the newspaper to each group and came up with the name for it 'MediaMe'.

I helped anyone who needed help which was often a big task as there was always someone who needed help at any given time. This involved helping to create the layout for the front cover (which I did twice, as the class decided the first one wasn't effective enough), assisting people with the layouts of their articles, transferring content between writers (and often, the clients, sponsors).

I also wrote the editorial article on the front cover in a very short space of time. I managed to include every area of the exam prompt questions in the editorial and talk about a few of the writers and how their articles relate to the exam.

How effectively did you work in your role and others in theirs?

I feel that I did exactly what my role asked of me, and more. As the Liaison I was asked to keep contact with the clients, sponsors etc. I managed to do this very effectively The difficult part was transferring my knowledge to the class. I found the best way to do this was to print off the information after high-lighting it and hand to each class member individually. However, this method of distribution was very time consuming and (in a real world newspaper insitution) very un cost effective. Emailing was quick and easy, but often quite hectic and the emails I sent to our class rarely got read.

I managed to contact all of the clients and retrieve adverts from several possible sponsors. As mentioned above, I feel I did what I was asked of, and more since I contributed to so many articles. As for the 'chairman' position in the meetings I don't feel I did so well on this. I wasn't able to conduct the meetings as well as I could and the teachers had to often intervene.

What could be learned from this experience?

Working on a newspaper was a good opportunity to get to a different area of media we have not yet covered. So far we have focused on technological media such as adverts and film openings, so it was a good change of focus to work on a newspaper and to get a shot at journalism.

Working as one large team has always been a problem for our class. I was hoping that this project would not end badly like the others have where we have worked as a single large group.

What has been learnt from this experience?

Working as a team has often been a problem in our other projects but in the Extended Project we managed to pull through and work together better than ever before. It was nice to see the class evolve to achieve something that had up to that point been impossible. It also enabled everyone to contribute ideas and be really involved in production, getting their opinions heard.

Being the liaison I feel that my communications skills have increased from constantly dealing with clients/sponsors.

Monday 19 April 2010

End Of Week Four Action Plan



How it went

Still to do?

Monday - 29th

Work with class to go over concepts for 1a and 1b (exam questions) newspaper content.

We all wrote an example answer and handed it in so that a writer could mould all of these into a feature. I also worked on a new flat plan with Kirk and Tara.

Get confirmations from Bornemouth to see whether they can supply us with the advert.

Tuesday - 30th

Get confirmation of Bournemouth's advert and finish flat plan.

I spent a long time today going over information with clients and helping people with any problems. Bournemouth has dropped out and is withdrawing their offer.

Finish the flat plan completely and get the newspaper all ready to be sent off.

Wednesday - 31st

Finalise everything. Put the finishing touches and round off everything.

Today we managed to complete the flat plan, I was asked to write an editorial and I think I did a rather good one for the time I was given. Gave Sam the adverts to make the advert pages. Worked with Tara to get the front cover finished. Managed to round off everything but one page wasn't completely finished.
